Canna Moms of Spotsy

As I sit to write out this first blog post, I can not help but think about how privileged Canna Moms of Spotsy are to live in a state that allows us the ability to consume the medicine that is cannabis. Our hearts go out to those people that live in other places that restrict it. These states/countries purposely try to instill fear in people about their legal and moral safety. We pledge, as a non-profit educational group, to continue to fight the good fight for federal legality, hope to trump the stigma that is often portrayed as the lazy stoner, and educate the public about safe consumption. Cannabis has been used for thousands of years to treat issues of the heart, body and mind, and now that doors have been open to scientifically study of this miraculous plant, the future is exciting. I believe that many people turn to cannabis because modern medicine often has debilitating side effects. Who says that medicine should not make you feel joyful and at peace, as well? Canna Moms is a safe space for all women to enjoy their medicine, bond over laughter and handle some business. Meetings are productive, joyful and a bit hazy!